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32nd Ward New Residential Lighting Project Notice: Hoyne Ave from Roscoe St to Addison St

Scott Waguespack

There will be upcoming work on Hoyne Ave from Roscoe St to Addison St. The work is part of the Chicago Residential Lighting Improvements program.

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of June 17th, 2024, pending clearance from and coordination with existing utilities, current work schedule fluctuations, and weather permitting. John Burns Construction is the contractor for this project and Stanley Consultants is providing resident engineering services for the Chicago Department of Transportation.

The work will include the installation of foundations, boring of underground conduits, cable pulling, the installation of new residential lighting poles with piggyback lights, LED Smart Lighting luminaires, and the restoration of concrete sidewalks and parkways disturbed by the construction. The existing light poles will be removed once the new lighting system is functioning properly.

During construction, temporary “No Parking” signs will be periodically installed as required for each activity listed above so that work may be performed safely. These temporary signs will restrict parking during working hours, and residents can park normally after the posted hours and overnight, and usually all day on weekends.

The existing lights will remain working until the new lighting system is functional.

1 Comment

Allison J
Allison J
Jul 31, 2024

Chicago is a progressive city, yet there's a missed opportunity of having additional plug-ins on the light poles for electric vehicles. Please, please, follow the lead of other green cities/countries.

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