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Bike Theft Prevention

One of the most common thefts in the city is that of bikes.  Below are some tips to avoid becoming a victim of this crime.

Always lock your bike, even if you have it in your garage or on your porch.  Many garage burglaries include theft of the bikes inside.  Make sure your garage is always locked, both the overhead door as well as the side door, and make sure it has proper lighting, preferably with motion sensor lights.

Make sure to lock both the frame and wheels, preferably with a U-lock.  Make sure to lock it to a sturdy structure that is not easily removable.  There have been cases where people have locked their bikes up to small trees in the parkway and someone has cut down the tree to get the bike.

Make sure to take a picture of your bike as well as write down its serial number and keep the receipt as proof of purchase.  As an additional way to prove that the bike is yours, insert one of your business cards in the handlebars or seat post tube.

Make sure to register your bike with the police.  In the event your stolen bike is found, this will make it easier for you to get it back.  Once it is registered, your local police district can give you a security decal to put on your bike.  If the decal is peeled, “void” appears as a result.  If the bicycle is stolen and recovered, it can be traced back and returned to the rightful owner.

If your bike is stolen, make sure to make a report either through 311 or at your local police station.  After you do this, make sure to post it on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry .



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