Face Coverings
Large or Extended Families Living in the Same Household
Older Adults and Other People at Higher Risk
Pregnant Women
Funerals - New
Critical Infrastructure Workers
Transportation & Delivery Workers
Grocery & Food Retail Workers
Pets & Other Animals
Businesses and Employers
Homeless Shelters
COVID-19 Screening Tool
Congregate Living Facilities
Residential Buildings
Retirement Communities and Independent Living Facilities
Parks and Recreational Facilities
Correctional and Detention Facilities
Community- and Faith-based Organizations
Childcare Programs
Institutions of Higher Education
Funeral Homes
Additional Links with COVID Related Information
CDPH Database of COVID-19 Testing Sites
IDPH Database of COVID-19 Testing Sites
CDPH Testing Guidance FACTS
COVID-19 progression by Chicago Area Zip Code
CDPH COVID-19 demographic data, including data broken down by zip code
IDPH COVID-19 data
List of Long-Term Care Facilities with Cases of COVID-19
COVID-19 Hospital Data
City’s COVID-19 donation website
Donate medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE)
Donate other products or professional services
Donate time as a healthcare worker
Sell medical supplies and PPE
Donate to the Small Business Resiliency Fund
Donate to the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund. Note that donors should click “Donate to our COVID-19 Fund” and choose “Chicago Housing Fund” as the designee. This will go directly to the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Grant program.
Under the federal CARES Act, renters in buildings with certain federal support cannot be evicted until July 25, 2020. The Department of Housing has created a public database of market-rate apartment buildings with five or more units with certain kinds of federal support that are covered by this eviction moratorium. Search your address on the database now.
Microbusiness Recovery Grant Program
Chicago Housing Solidarity Pledge
Materials From the National Immigrant Justice System designed to orient immigrant communities to the benefits available through the stimulus packages passed in response to the pandemic:
English language KYR materials here
Spanish language KYR materials here