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March CAPS Meeting

Until further notice, all CAPS meetings will be held virtually. Please email your district in order to get the Zoom link to your specific meeting.

March CAPS Meetings-

The Beat 1414 meeting from last night included discussions about the recent carjackings and police response to the victim shot at the Fullerton/Sacramento gas station last month. Police have connected the offender to a series of other carjackings and ATM burglaries that happened throughout the north side of the City by an armed group.

We also discussed the application by Granero to operate as a nightclub with a Public Place of Amusement license at 2529 N Milwaukee. Despite pandemic rules for businesses, Granero held an over-capacity gathering and operated outside of closure orders. They further refused entry to the police and business affairs investigators who arrived to shut it down. Residents, police and our office have written opposition letters and expressed community sentiment that the PPA license should be denied, despite the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the application process in 2019. Before the latest citation and refusal of entry, Granero has violated city codes and disrupted the quality of life of neighbors in the community. While it is important to encourage economic activity and small businesses that abide by the rules, we must foremost protect the safety and quality of life of our residents and neighboring businesses.

More news on the carjackings:

CPD carjacking website - The Vehicular Hijacking Task Force consists of Chicago Police, Cook County Sheriffs, Illinois State Police, and federal law enforcement professionals who specialize in the investigation of robbery and violent crime cases, dedicated to the vehicle hijacking incidents in Chicago.


14th Police District-

1413- March 17, 6:30pm

1431- March 18, 6:30pm

1432- March 25, 6:30pm

19th Police District-

1921- March 17, 6:30pm

Meeting ID: 848 4924 6773

Passcode: 390796

1931- March 23, 6:30pm

Meeting ID: 811 8955 3379

Passcode: 995403



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