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New Lead Service Line Replacement Programs

In addition to the voluntary lead line replacement programs that the Chicago Department of Water Management currently offers, there are now two more programs that are free, but participation is required.

Breaks and Leaks Replacement Program- If your service line breaks or leaks and requires repair, it is now mandatory to call 311 to report it. The Department of Water Management will then contact you and schedule a time to replace both the private and public sides of the line for free if the line is lead. More info here.

Block Long Replacement Program- As the Department of Water Management performs scheduled maintenance on aging water and sewer mains, it may be necessary to replace any lead service lines impacted by that work. Residents will be notified in advance of the work and a Department of Water Management representative will walk you through the steps to receiving your free service line


Their voluntary programs are still available for homeowners who wish to replace their lines sooner. The income-based Equity Program is accepting applications. All you need to do is submit documentation verifying your income, and that you own and live in the property. If you qualify, your whole service line will be replaced for free. More info.

The Homeowner-Initiated Program waives up to $5,000 in permit fees for residents who wish to hire a contractor to replace their lines. More info.

The Department of Water Management is also proactively reaching out to licensed daycares in the City to offer free replacements prioritizing those in income qualified communities first.

Visit for information on how you can protect your family from exposure to lead in paint or water.



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