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Note from Alderman

The City of Chicago officially entered phase 1c of the vaccine rollout on Monday, March 29th. All essential workers and adults with underlying medical conditions are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines. People in phases 1a and 1b remain eligible. While the list of those eligible expands, vaccine supply and appointments are still very limited and patience will be key. Vaccinations are available to homebound Chicagoans. To qualify, you must be 65+ (or 18+ with disabilities) who requires in-home assistance or 18+ and need adaptive equipment or accessible transportation. To sign up visit If you need assistance with the application please feel free to call our office for assistance or more information is available via the Chicago Dept. of Public Health at 312-747-9884. The City of Chicago also recently added two new mass vaccination sites on April 5th, with the city now in phase 1c of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility. The sites will be located at Chicago State University and the American Airlines Conference Center at Gallagher Way next to Wrigley Field. Registration for vaccination appointments at both Chicago State University and the American Airlines Conference Center at Gallagher Way will be available on

When an appointment becomes available to you, I urge you to take the vaccination. In addition to the 3 ‘W’s to follow when outside of your home– wearing a mask, waiting six feet apart and washing your hands or using sanitizer – getting a vaccine will help end this pandemic. These collective actions can protect our families and neighbors as the City and health agencies work to reduce and eliminate Covid-19.

Last Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., we co-hosted a shredding event at Riverpoint Plaza, just behind the Marshalls store off of 1730 W. Fullerton. It was a walk up or drive up event that took just a few minutes to have your docs shredded in a truck sized portable shredding machine. Special thanks to Senator Feigenholtz, Representative Williams, Ald. LaSpata, and Commissioner Degnen.

It's springtime and Clean and Green time with the citywide effort to clean up the City is scheduled for Saturday, April 24, 2021. Residents, neighborhood organizations and block clubs are encouraged to volunteer to clean up litter and debris in their neighborhoods, blocks, and vacant lots. Although we are still in the midst of the pandemic, small groups can still put together a quick cleanup for the weekend of the 24th or any other time.

You can also participate in river cleanup fun with the Friends of the Chicago River. Friends of the Chicago River animal of the year is the American mink. Sign up is required and space is really limited based on Covid-19 protocols, so please visit here to sign up for Chicago River Day on May 8th!

Stay healthy and safe,

Alderman Scott Waguespack



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