The Chicago Park District announced this week that they will be reopening the City’s lakefront, playgrounds, and indoor aquatics programming as metrics allow the city to ease COVID-19 regulations. Please help keep the parks clean.
The first Monday in March, the City of Chicago celebrates Pulaski Day. Casimir Pulaski was a Polish cavalry officer who fought in the Revolutionary war and was given many accolades for his contribution to the U.S. Military. The City celebrated its first official Pulaski Day in 1986, the year Mayor Harold Washington introduced a resolution to designate the holiday.
On Monday, March 1, 2021, all City offices including the 32nd Ward office will be closed, but schools are still open. City refuse pick up will not be picked up on Monday (Waste Management recycling will continue), but the Streets and Sanitation workers will do their best to catch up as quickly as possible that week. Waste Management is going to be working into Saturday this week and for next week they are working Monday-Friday to catch up on recycling pickup.
On another note, THANK YOU TO OUR CITY CREWS! Streets and Sans has been out there day after day in this terrible weather trying to manage both the snow and garbage with limited workers. We appreciate all of you who keep the city plowed and clean.
And thank you to all our residents for your patience and understanding throughout this whole process. We appreciate it.
Please note that elementary schools are reopening for hybrid learning on Monday, March 1. During school closures, residents were able to park in school zones without ticketing. Now that CPS is reopening, please be aware of parking restrictions around schools. Please keep the drop off areas clear for schools.
Have a safe weekend,
Alderman Scott Waguespack