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Resurfacing Project Notice: Humboldt, Palmer to North

There is an upcoming resurfacing project on North Humboldt Boulevard from West Palmer Square to West North Avenue. This work is part of the Chicago Department of Transportation’s Arterial Street Resurfacing - North Area Project in the 32nd Ward.

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin on April 27, 2021, pending clearance from and coordination with existing utilities, and weather permitting. Bigane Paving Co. is the general contractor for this project and Wight & Company is providing resident engineering services for the Chicago Department of Transportation.

The work will include ADA sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter removal and replacement as needed for ADA and drainage compliance, pedestrian refuge islands, pavement patching, milling and paving the existing asphalt pavement, and striping.

During construction, temporary “No Parking” signs will be periodically installed as required for each activity listed above. These temporary signs will restrict parking during working hours, while adhering to rush hour restrictions, for the completion of the work. All work on this corridor is scheduled to be completed August 15, 2021.



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