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Roscoe Village Neighbors Seek Board Members

Roscoe Village Neighbors (RVN) is looking for capable, energetic, community-minded individuals who are willing to commit some of their time and energy to one of the most successful neighborhood organizations in Chicago. If you are an active RVN member and would like to help keep Roscoe Village the vibrant, exciting neighborhood it is, please apply using this form. Deadline for submission is April 30th, 2021.

Roscoe Village Neighbors is a non-profit organization managed by an all-volunteer, 13-member Board of Directors. The three-year terms for the Board of Director positions are staggered, so four board seats are up for election each year by members. Directors may be re-elected, but must run for re-election. Director-at-Large positions may be filled by any active RVN member, while executive positions may only be filled by members with at least one year of service on the RVN board as a Director-at-Large.

This year there are four Director-at-Large positions up for election. All ACTIVE RVN members will receive an online ballot via email. For more details, click here.



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