The Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange (CCRx)’s semi-annual 2023 Teacher Supply Giveaway invites all Chicago teachers to gather supplies for the new school year from their inventory of donated... Books, Binders, Pens, Paper, Posters, Borders, Pocket Charts, Markers, Fabric, Art Supplies, Furniture, Storage Bins, Costumes, Fabric, Organizers, Flash Cards, Manipulatives, Frames, Shells, Sports Equipment, Music, Crayons, Art Kits, + much much more… ! For one low admission fee*, Chicago teachers can fill their cart(s) with all the supplies they want.
Friday August 18, 5-8pm Preview + The Best Selection $30
Saturday August 19, 10a-4p The Main Event $20
Sunday August 20, 10a-4p Yummy Leftovers $10
RSVP + Info at *Special Finds still have special prices The CCRx Warehouse is at 2124 W. 82nd Place on Chicago's SW side. They are a CPS Vendor, # 19517 Please help us spread the word to Chicago teachers, schools, and others with a personal interest. Together we can keep good things out of the landfill and into the hands of Chicago teachers and their students! Here is a link to volunteer and to donate supplies too!
