2022 Local School Councils (LSC) applications are open. Applications are due to the school that candidates wish to serve by 3:00pm on Friday, March 4, 2022.
Local School Council members are elected every two years by parents, community members, and school staff. Members serve two-year terms, with the exception of student representatives, who serve one-year terms. Interested candidates must complete several application forms.
LSC Responsibilities
How to Apply
2022 Traditional Local School Council Nomination Materials
2022 Appointed Local School Council / Board of Governors Nomination Materials
New for the SY22 Election
Elementary students may run for a seat in Traditional LSCs. Students in sixth grade and up may now run!
LSC Responsibilities
Monitoring the school improvement plan—also known as their school’s CIWP.
Monitoring the school's budget and expenditures.
Evaluating their school’s principal annually, as well as selecting a new contract principal for their school or renewing the contract of their current principal.
Each LSC sets their own regular meeting schedules, which can be obtained directly from the school.
How to Apply
If you are a parent, community member, student, or teacher looking to get more involved with your school, we encourage you to consider running in your school’s LSC election.
The application window for the 2022 LSC elections opened on January 3, 2022. To apply, candidates must download and fill out the application forms below and return them with two forms of identification to the school for which they intend to run as a candidate by Friday, March 4, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. CST.
Parents and community members have the option to file a Form 4-22 Candidate Statement.
School staff candidates must file a Form 5-22 School Staff Candidate Information Form.
High school student candidates must file a Form 6-22 Student Candidate Information Form.

Please Note: There are separate candidate forms for traditional LSCs and appointed LSCs and boards of governors (BOG).
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