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Note from Alderman

We hope you have heard the news about the United Center Covid Vaccine location for Senior Citizen's and have attached up to date info below. So far, about 30,000 seniors have signed up for the vaccine. If you know of a senior in need, please share this information below with them in order to get them ready for the vaccine.

We also have news for US Veterans on the Covid Vaccine: Jesse Brown VA (JBVA) leadership has approved to open the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to all the veterans! If you're a veteran enrolled at JBVA, the vaccine is open to all ages without any age or other restrictions. They are issuing the Pfizer vaccine as follows: Walk ins on 3/5 between 9 am -2 pm and Saturday clinics on 3/6 and 3/13 from 8 am through 4 pm. For scheduling appointments: COVID HOTLINE 312-569-5801. There is additional info below.

There are two water main projects that will be starting next month and cause disruption to residents and businesses over a months long period as crews replace century old pipes. One on Armitage Ave that we will be sending out details on soon, but will be running from the Kennedy Highway to Kedzie Ave. The second project has details below and will run along Lincoln Ave. from Southport to Belmont. Read below for details.

As part of required reforms for the police department by the consent decree and through changes requested by the city council and members of the public, a new policy on search warrants is being proposed. The new policy has been posted on CPD’s website and will be available for public review for 15 days. More details on the changes are listed below.

The Mikva Challenge is opening up for students applications at this time, so check out the Mikva Challenge for a great opportunity for kids 17-20 years old. We have supported the work of Mikva for years and hope you can too. Visit for more info. Finally, the Big Big Brothers Big Sisters is a mentoring program opening up to kids ages 7-17 and always looking for adult volunteer mentors via

Alderman Scott Waguespack



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