Thanks to the community in Wrightwood Neighbors area for a great meeting with several elected officials. The event took place at Takitos Street Lincoln Park on Lincoln Avenue and included discussions with Congressman Mike Quigley who talked about a lot of the funding of projects coming up for the Chicago area that he has been working on. It was a lively discussion about what's happening in Washington DC.
We also received updates from Senator Sara Feigenholtz and the work she is doing in Springfield with another colleague, State Representative Ann Williams.
I wrapped it up with some updates on City Hall and happenings in the neighborhood over the last few weeks. I covered the latest information on the White Sox 78 proposal and the after effects of the 78 and Lincoln Yards votes from 2018, public safety concerns in Lincoln Park and throughout the City, including the Shotspotter financial fiasco (Chicago Taxpayers to Spend an Additional $4.2M to Allow CPD to Use ShotSpotter Through November), police cameras and more.
This was a great discussion with neighbors and if you're interested in joining, Wrightwood Neighbors is always looking for more neighbors to get involved in the organization.